Our mission is to work toward pulling together, promoting, and developing the growth of all Francophone also Francophile organizations in the Windsor-Essex-Kent region.

Objectives and Values
In order to achieve its mission, the CCFWEK has set itself the following objectives:
To welcome various Francophone organizations of Windsor-Essex-Kent under the same roof. The Francophone community hub, “le Carrefour communautaire francophone”, was then born as a unique place to get together and exchange, to offer diverse and integrated multidisciplinary services to the Francophone community.
To encourage cooperation and consultation between the various Francophone organizations that are members of the Francophone community hub.
To promote dialogue and cooperation between the French-speaking community and other linguistic communities.
To advocate for the rights of Francophones.
To be the flagship of the fight for the economic and socio-cultural development of Francophones in the Windsor-Essex-Kent region.
While the CCFWEK is strongly committed to the enhancement and promotion of the French-speaking community in Ontario, the English-speaking community is also a natural partner.
Bilingual actions and events are regularly organised, and staff can work in both official languages. This linguistic duality is even more rewarding since some of the institutions and funders that support the CCFWEK are English-speaking.